Stage 1: Saturday Workshops
22nd January- 19th March 2005

Fashion Futures 2 Saturday Workshops

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After completion of Stage 1, 15 finalists have passed on to the next stage: Summer School at the London College of Fashion in July 2004

The spherical pods of the London Eye, the curve of the Gherkin, the suspension arches of a bridge, a Sikh temple and the twirled lamp at the entrance of the V&A museum.

These were just some of the London landmarks to inspire students at the first FAD Fashion Futures 2 workshops. They were asked to design a costume inspired by London architecture and then, over the course of seven Saturday morning workshops, to create a toile based on their design, charting their creative journey in a sketchbook and moodboard. The results, shown to judges on March 19th, were stunning.

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Stage 2 - Summer School
July 2005

FAD Fashion Futures 2 Summer School at London College of Fashion.
Last July 15 finalists entered the competition, hand-picked from a total of 40 students in FF2 phase 1. Their challenge was to create the perfect LBD in just five days during an intensive summer workshop at the London College of Fashion.

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Fashion Futures 2 Finalists

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The Show
29 September 2005

The night of the perfect Little Black Dress.
Or fifteen gorgeous LBD�s to be precise�. Because that�s when all fifteen of our FAD Futures 2 finalists saw their dresses on the catwalk, modelled during a dazzling display in London�s Fashion & Textile Museum.

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