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Fairtrade Fashion Club will launch for the 2009/10 school year, on Wednesday 4th November at Cumberland School in Newham. Look out for photo updates coming soon.

If you are a teacher and would like to learn more about Fairtrade Fashion Club, please email us at info@fad.org.uk

FFC Event

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After a successful launch in 2008, Cumberland School in Newham invited the FAD team back for another term of Fairtrade Fashion Club (FFC).

We caught up with Fairtrade Fashion Club student, Taylor, and Cumberland's Head of Art, Liz Milward, to see what they thought of the project.


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Fairtrade Fashion Club took place at Royal Docks School in Newham during the 2010 Spring Term, thanks to funding from the London Thames Gateway Development Coporation (LTGDC). See photos from the project below.

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Fairtrade Fashion Club took place at Kingsford School in Newham during June 2010, thanks to funding from the London Thames Gateway Development Coporation (LTGDC). See photos from the project below.



“To the ladies in Ghana who made the fabric, I have learnt a lot and I’m amazed about how much time and effort you put into things. It’s brilliant!.” – Natasha

“Dear Ghanaian ladies, thank you for giving us the opportunity to use your beautiful fabrics. I love it! They are really nice and colourful.” – Hilary

“Dear Ghanaian Ladies, Thank you for the beautiful fabrics. We all love them! All of us have been working hard creating really nice bags. Me and my friend are both Ghanaian. Rachel is from Kumasi and I’m from Accra and Cape Coast.” – Shannon & Rachel





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Over the Easter holidays the FAD team spent three days at the Baytree Centre in Brixton, working with girls from 10 - 15 years old.

In addition to making fairtrade batiks and bags using cloth from Ghana, the teenagers also spent a day designing and customising their own fairtrade cotton t-shirts. The week ended with a mini fairtrade celebration for parents, friends and staff at the centre.



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Fairtrade Fashion Club took place at the City of London Academy (C.O.L.A) in Islington over May 2010. More then twenty students took part in five weeks of after school clubs, creating batik purses and fairtrade fabric bags.

“I have leant that Ghanaians use special symbols, that represent different meanings.” - Lois, C.O.L.A. Student

“Before I couldn’t sew very well, but now I am more confident on the sewing machine.” - Shean, C.O.L.A. Student

“I have found out that there are people less fortunate then us. This makes me what to buy more fairtrade products.”

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